About Us and Our Annual Meeting
The Israel Society for Neuroscience (ISFN) is a registered non-profit organization that was founded in 1992 by several leading Israeli neuroscientists. The ISFN holds its annual meetings each year in December. It offers a stage for presentations of cutting edge research in the form of oral lectures, posters, blitz poster discussion session for students and WEB based abstracts. Abstracts are published by ISFN in a booklet and as a supplement to an international scientific journal. The ISFN annual meeting proceedings of 2009 - 2011 were published online in the Journal of Molecular Neuroscience.From about 300 participants in the first ISFN Annual Meetings just after its inception, it has doubled in size during the last two decades. Members include neuroscientists and graduate students from all research institutes and universities in Israel, as well as foreign delegates, all of whom are involved in multidisciplinary basic and clinical research of the nervous system.
The annual meetings offer an excellent venue for information exchange and a fertile ground for the establishment and fostering multidisciplinary collaborative studies. The ISFN encourages young students to take part in the annual meeting and covers part of their lodging expenses during the meeting. Either prior to or following the main scientific sessions there is usually a binational satellite symposium, at which Israeli researchers interact with scientists from other countries. ISFN frequently distributes newsletters by email to its members and students announcing local and international meetings as well as students fellowships and Post Doc positions.
The ISFN helps in fostering the public awareness throughout the country to latest advances in brain research and how brain disorders can be diagnosed and treated. This goal is achieved by presentations given in lay terms by Society members and students who volunteer as speakers in Community Centers, High Schools and Cafés during the "Brain Awareness Week"- an event held around the world during March each year.
ISFN is the representative body in Israel of recent developments in neuroscience research and their implications. It works closely with The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the various research institutes and universities, Brain Research Centers as well as other international scientific societies such as the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), and European Dana Alliance for the Brain. ISFN activities are supported by the annual membership fee, companies donations and all the brain research centers of Israeli academic institutions and universities.